Emma Snider says, “Most salespeople love to talk, and they’re good at it. They’ll crush a phone call or a face-to-face meeting any day of the week. They know just what to say and how to say it to inspire trust and edge closer to a contract.

But give them a laptop and tell them they need to write an article? A little outside of their comfort zone. You might even see a flicker of panic in their eyes.

Not every salesperson needs to blog to improve their online presence. Learning how to curate and share content that’s interesting to prospects and boosting professional visibility through social media discussions is a perfectly acceptable way to dive into social selling. But for those who are already interested in writing, or who would like to start creating their own content, blogging is a fantastic vehicle to ramp up credibility with prospects and establish the author as a trusted advisor”.

Blogging 101 for Salespeople


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