Jeff Rajeck says, “Peter Thiel, a PayPal founder and an early Facebook investor, is one of the most talked-about and revered internet business pioneers. And a billionaire.  

His views on how to build a successful startup are required reading for entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. and they can also help you come up with radical, new marketing strategies. Read on.

Peter Thiel co-founded Paypal in the 90s and was also an early investor in Facebook, Palantier, Yelp, and Quora among many other well-known startups. His ideas on how to build and market new companies are regarded as visionary and the success of his investments is often attributed to his guidance.

He’s been in the news recently because of his new book, Zero to One, which advocates creating something out of nothing (going from ‘Zero to One’) instead of just replicating an existing ‘One’ over again”.

Four marketing tips from an internet billionaire

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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