Ash Kumar says, “This year mobile use in the US finally surpassed desktop use, with 60% of total digital media time spent on smartphones and tablets, up 10% from the previous year. The US has finally caught up with global trends, and the mobile screen has become the primary screen.

That fact will define not just the mobile landscape but also all digital media strategy in 2015.

With that in mind, my team and I conducted research and interviews with industry leaders, along with vigorous debate and internal discussion, to arrive at the following predictions and some major themes we expect to see in 2015.

1. Apple Watch will sell more than 15 million units

In 2014, wearables became a consumer reality with the much-anticipated Apple Watch announcement. This still-unreleased product managed to overshadow smartwatch releases from all other major consumer electronics manufacturers. Combined with the massive success of this year’s iPhone 6, Apple’s Midas touch is not wearing out any time soon”.

Six Mobile Marketing Predictions for 2015


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