Jodie Cook says, “We’re addressing the subject on most people’s minds when it comes social media marketing – what’s the ROI of social media? It’s a completely valid question and one that no one should shy away from! Companies part with hundreds of thousands of pounds on billboard advertising over a motorway and have virtually no idea of the ROI, even if the billboard company says 60,000 drivers pass under it every day. It’s great brand exposure, right?

We’re going to help unpick the mystery of the ROI of social media.

Like many other forms of marketing, there is an ‘iceberg effect’ (see picture) in terms of what we can measure and what effect we’re estimating but by no means is social media this ‘black box’. Naturally, the ROI of your social media marketing is going to be determined by what the goals of the campaign or general activity are but we’ll focus on some key indicators“.

Unlocking The Mystery Of Social Media ROI

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