Melanie Perkins says, “The new world of marketing is increasingly visual. It’s no coincidence that the newest and fastest-growing social networks on the web — like Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat — are focused primarily on visual content.

So, how can marketers adapt to and leverage an increasingly visual social atmosphere? Byimplementing a strong visual branding strategy on social media.

Visual social branding refers to what your social media content looks like — your profile picture, your cover photo, and especially your social posts. Great visuals on social media are important because the human brain is wired to read and understand images better and faster than words. Plus, visual content increases social engagement: Did you know that, according to astudy by Socialbakers, images on Facebook constitute 93% of the most engaging posts compared with status updates, links, and even video?“.

How to Develop a Strong Visual Brand on Social Media


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