William Comcowich says, “By now, most marketers can identify the major influencers in their industry. Big names include Lee Odden, Guy Kawasaki, Brian Solis, Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Neil Patel, Heidi Cohen, etc.

These marketing influencers have earned their enviable reputations by freely sharing their original and valuable insights. As a result, each boasts tens of thousands of followers.

Many of their followers contact them to retweet their article or write about their brand. Competition is fierce to get noticed by the major marketing influencers.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other great marketers and writers who have built loyal followings for their work. Over the years, CyberAlert has assembled a sizeable library of marketing content for its weekly newsletter, Media Monitoring News. We pulled some of the best articles and identified the authors behind them to put together a list of 10 marketing influencers who may be lesser known — but are equally admirable“.

10 Marketing Bloggers You Need to Start Folllowing


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