Katie Oakes says, “Each week, we will provide you with real time insights and trends for the 2014 holiday season: how consumers are shopping, what they are searching for and how marketing campaigns can be optimized to maximize rewards for both consumers and brands. Sign up to receive the weekly #HolidayHotSheet in your inbox and stay tuned to the blog for highlights and additional holiday coverage.

Now that Halloween is behind us, the focus on the upcoming holiday season is stronger than ever. Sure, we still have Thanksgiving to get through, but 45 percent of holiday email campaigns already mention ‘Christmas’ (compared with only 18 percent that mention ‘Thanksgiving’). And at the start of the holiday season, 53 percent of email opens have occurred on mobile devices. Read on to learn more about how consumers and marketers alike are using mobile this holiday season”.

#HolidayHotSheet: How consumers and marketers are using mobile this holiday season

‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

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