Dharmesh Shah says, “If you’re anything like me (and my apologies if you are), you like lists. And, if you also happen to work in marketing, you’ve probably heard of the old AdAge Power150 list — it was a list of the top marketing blogs in the world. I use the past tense, because a few months ago AdAge said they were “powering down” the list. As the folks from Monty Python would say … the Power150 has ceased to be. (Video link here — you’re welcome.)

Ever since that initial announcement, I’ve thought to myself: “Self, you should totally go build that.” Well, it took me a while (and it’s by no means done yet), but we now have the Inbound 50: The Top Marketing Blogs list. I hope it will become the definitive (and dynamic) list of top marketing blogs on the internet”.

The Top 50 Marketing Blogs on the Internet Right Now (+ Advice From #1)


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