‘Customer Service is a Critical Marketing Attribute’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article
Christopher Ryan says, “This blog post might have been titled “A Tale of Two Gondolas” because the subject matter comes directly from a recent experience in Venice, Italy. My wife and I were there on a trip and another family member in our group suggested a gondola ride based on her recent experience. She raved about her gondola operator and how he not only gave them a great tour but also sang to them (in Italian, of course).
Disappointingly, our gondola adventure was far different. Instead of singing and giving us the history of the Venice canals, our guide Marco was speechless. I finally asked him why, if the experience was labeled as a tour, he wasn’t telling us anything. He responded in a thick accent, “Don’t tell me how to do my job.” This of course, did not endear him to our party. After that, Marco would occasionally mutter something like, “There’s the house where Mozart stayed when he spent time in Venice.” The women with us were more excited by seeing the Aman Hotel, the site of the recent George Clooney wedding.
When we got back to the gondola dock, I paid Marco his 80 Euros, but complained to the first official-looking person I found“.
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