Megan Tonzi says, “Bad sales emails are like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe: You think you’ve scraped it all off … until the next day, when you realize your shoe is still sticky. It just doesn’t go away, and neither do poor sales emails — they seem especially endless this time of the year.

The other week, I received a sales email in the morning. The first line asked if I was the correct person to speak with, the second line was their sales pitch, and the third was, “Hey, let’s schedule a time to chat. And if you’re not the right person, who is?” It was a typical cold email, asking for time with nothing to offer, so I didn’t rush to respond and instead went to my meetings. Once I returned to my office a few hours later, I noticed another email from the same person. It was a blank email with the first email attached to it. I assumed it was a mistake on their end, so I disregarded it. But the next morning, I opened my email, and bam, there was a “following up on my earlier email, when can we have a quick call?” message from the same sender”.

A Little Effort Goes a Long Way With Sales Emails


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