‘B2B Email Marketing: Ferguson Rewards trade show optimization achieves over $10 million’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study
Erin Hogg says, “At MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, attendees will hear how Ferguson Enterprises generated more than $10 million and growing in online sales by enriching the customer experience. Mary Abrahamson, Email Marketing Specialist, Ferguson, will take the stage to share the customer journey of two personas as they move through the sales funnel.
Learn how Ferguson went from one email per event to a segmented series as well as how it optimized its onsite event registration for better retargeting. This campaign earned Ferguson the B2B Best in Show Award, sponsored by BlueHornet, for MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015”.
B2B Email Marketing: Ferguson Rewards trade show optimization achieves over $10 million
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