Emma Snider says, “The end of the year presents a unique vantage point — a perfect time to look both forward and backward. That is, if you have time to look up at all in the mad dash to make your annual goal.

With 2014 almost behind us, we asked sales experts to weigh in on what they thought were the top sales trends of the year. Take a minute to read through the list and judge your company’s performance against these developments. If you are falling behind on an item or two, don’t fret — better late to start than never. Make it a New Year’s resolution.

1) Increased Sales Scrutiny

“In part due to the prolonged global recession and in part due to sheer numbers (U.S. firms now spend on sales more than 3x their spending on all consumer advertising and more than 20x their spend on all online media), the biggest trend is that Sales is getting more attention. The good news: sales leaders increasingly have a seat at the table”.

9 Sales Trends That Defined 2014


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