WM team says, “Checking search engine rankings on a daily basis can drive a marketer crazy and is not an indication of whether a marketing campaign is yielding results or not. This is especially the case nowadays since Google’s algorithm seems to be delaying search engine movement. Nonetheless, if you want to fix a drop in your search engine rankings, here are a few ways to do it.

Work on getting more shares on social media.

Social media shouldn’t be ignored, even if it doesn’t have a direct effect on your rankings. There is a reason why the top Google results usually stay at the top: when people research an idea or question to find a reference for their article, where do you think they end up linking to most of the time? Some guide or resource that they come across in the first 10 results. In that case, how do marketers get linked to if their site isn’t already at the top?”.

Practical Tips for Correcting A Drop In Search Engine Rankings

Website Magazine

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