‘6 Great Android Apps for Internet Marketers’ by John Chow
Chow says, “We use our smartphones and tablets for just about everything these days and continuing our careers as Internet marketing professionals is no exception. While it makes intuitive sense that the most productive place for you to get any of that work done is through a proper computer at a proper desk (and not at Starbucks), the dot com lifestyle means that you have the time freedom to work when you want and the location freedom to work where you want.
And sometimes, this means catching up on a few things using your smartphone or tablet on the go. You can still enjoy your casual game of Angry Birds Transformers or scroll through your friends’ photos on Instagram, but that Android device is also a tremendously valuable productivity tool in the right hands with the right apps. Here are a few Android apps that you might consider adding to your mobile arsenal. Yes, they are all free downloads through the Google Play Store”.
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