Pamela Parker says, “Email is one of the most established forms of digital marketing, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring or stagnant. In fact, this year saw a lot of change in the business, as the major consumer ESPs adopted more stringent authentication technologies and Google introduced new interfaces and features for Gmail, including its mobile-centric Inbox app.

Our expert contributors helped marketers roll with the changes. Following, the most trafficked Email Marketing columns for 2014 on Marketing Land:

  1. Everything You Need To Know About Gmail’s Auto-Unsubscribe by Tom Sather. Published on 3/4/14. 516 social shares across all platforms.
  2. How Gmail Improved Security & Email Analytics by Caching Images by Tom Sather. Published on 1/3/14. 292 social shares across all platforms”.

2014 In Email Marketing Columns: Marketing Land’s Top 10

Marketing Land

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