’10 Do’s and Don’ts of A/B-Testing Your Email Marketing Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Lauren Tympel says, “A/B-testing your marketing emails can be a profitable game-changer. In fact, there is no better way to determine the impact a design, copy, or scheduling change can have on the success of your email campaigns.
But if you’re unfamiliar with A/B testing or you’re just getting started, it can be an overwhelming project to take on. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to steer you in the right direction.
1. Do run tests that have recurring benefits
If you’ve done your research, you know you can test a myriad of variables in your emails. And although some of them might be intriguing (what would happen if you alternated capitals and lowercase in the headline?), some tests are unnecessary. Don’t rely solely on how-to-A/B-test articles like this one to inform your testing schedule. You can, however, use them for inspiration to find factors that are relevant to your specific audience”.
10 Do’s and Don’ts of A/B-Testing Your Email Marketing Campaigns
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