Jennifer Hanser says, “Relationships have always been at the core of business development.

In today’s digital world, social media can accelerate the relationship-building process. An influx of social media over the past decade — from Facebook to LinkedIn — has enhanced the way we communicate with potential business partners, leading to quicker connections and serving as our primary method of research when looking to establish relationships.

Nine times out of 10, the person in charge of business development already has an idea of the kind of company they want to partner with for a particular initiative. Traditionally, their next step in forging an initial connection would be to cold call or email the company, and to build a rapport from there. Social media fast-tracks this process. We’re now able to find precisely the best person to contact, determine if we have any mutual connections, understand their background (as well as the company’s) and get a sense of the different players within a company — all before we have a single conversation”.

4 ways social media drives business development

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