Pascal Landshoft says, “Salespeople are in the business of influencing people to do something which they would not have done otherwise. Even though purchasing a product or service might be in the prospect’s best interest (and it should be if the rep is doing their job correctly), it still takes some pushing to get them to realize it.

At the end of the day, salespeople must influence in a way which is beneficial to the client with no hidden agenda. Here are five honest and effective tactics reps can use to increase the likelihood that prospects will buy.

1) Give to receive.

If we are given something, we feel compelled to return the favor. Once a street vendor strapped a wristband on me without me even being able to resist, saying it was “for peace.” Then she asked for a small donation, showing me a list of others who had donated. I couldn’t help but give her 10 dollars”.

5 Tactics to Influence Prospects to Buy


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