Syed Irfan Ajmal says, “Are you getting a sinking feeling that you are getting nowhere after jumping on the content marketing bandwagon? Or do your blogging efforts sound like you singing in the shower: you feel like a rock star but no one is there to applaud your singing prowess?

Top 4 Reasons Your Content Writing Has Been a Failure

  1. You didn’t research prior to writing.
  2. You gave little or no attention to SEO, or worse, you did the kind of spammy SEO that has caused so many sites get bitten by one of the Google Zoo creatures – Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Zebra. The last one does not exist (yet), but who knows what’s next?
  3. You wrote for search engines instead of people.
  4. You spend no time promoting your content”.

Content That Gets Found, Loved and Shared

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