‘Local Centroids are Now Individual Users: How Can We Optimize for Their Searches?’ – MOZ Blog
Miriam Ellis says, “Google’s perception of a centralized location for auto dealerships could be completely different than that for medical practices, and that neither might be located anywhere near the city center.
While the concepts of city and industry centroids may still play a part in some searches, local search results in 2015 clearly indicate Google’s shift toward deeming the physical location of the desktop or mobile user a powerful factor in determining relevance. The relationship between where your customer is when he performs a search and where your business is physically located has never been more important.
Moreover, in this new, user-centric environment, Google has moved beyond simply detecting cities to detecting neighborhoods and even streets. What this means for local business owners is that your hyperlocal information has become a powerful component of your business data. This post will teach you how to better serve your most local customers”.
Local Centroids are Now Individual Users: How Can We Optimize for Their Searches?
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