Norman Behar says, “While there is a lot of emphasis placed on sales coaching and leadership, the most fundamental skill that a sales manager needs to develop is often overlooked. What is it? The ability to manage sales performance.
Many organizations take it for granted that their managers know how to effectively manage performance. Unfortunately, this is a huge mistake. While many sales managers may have produced excellent results in their prior roles as sales reps, this doesn’t necessarily translate into the ability to get their teams to consistently generate great outcomes.

Behaviors vs. Results

The problem lies in the focus on results as opposed to the sales behaviors that create results. This issue is driven by today’s CRM systems, which provide real-time measurement and reporting of results. While it’s helpful to monitor this information, it is important to note that it is rear-view data. These metrics are based on events that have already occurred as opposed to the underlying behaviors (leading indicators) that drive outcomes.”.

How to Manage a High Performing Sales Team


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