Matt Seeley says, “Years ago, when data was the shiny new object, people talked a lot about it being organized into useful information that could drive actionable insights. It sounded great at the time. Unfortunately, at that time (and we’re talking about the late 90s and early 00s) the promise far outstripped the reality. However, in the past five years the responsible collection and usage of data has significantly evolved.

In fact, we see that 95 percent of companies feel driven to turn data into insight to understand their customer needs, find new customers and increase the value of each client. Today, successful businesses are drawing meaningful insights from data to impact almost every aspect of business operations.

But what actually makes data valuable? How can this incredible volume of information be converted into action?

In its rawest form data really isn’t all that useful. A name here, an email address there, and purchase intent somewhere else. But responsibly collecting and connecting those data is the key, and it’s also a complex task that almost all businesses struggle with. Accomplishing this task – turning insights into action – is what we do, and it’s something we do better than others”.

Acting on insights to create value for marketers and their customers

‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

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