Kristen Dunleavy says, “Across email campaigns, social media ads, organic search, paid search ads and other online campaigns, we have one goal that usually overrides all others: get the click!

You want qualified audience members to click YES! on your subscribe button. You want Facebook or Twitter followers to click through on your ads. You want clicks to open your emails, and clicks on your email calls to action (CTAs). Of course, you want people to click on your pay-per-click (PPC) ads over those of your competitors.

Emotion has long been a critical facet of advertising; for decades, researchers have studiedthe impact of emotional connection on advertising efficacy. Online advertising is no different. In fact, the multimedia, cross-screen nature of marketing today means you have more opportunity than ever before to appeal to your audiences on an emotional level.

5 Ways to Use Emotion to Get the Click

Aweber Blog

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