Emily Collins says, “After almost every loyalty-related speech I give, I get some variation of the following question: “How does this apply to B2B?” Sure, customer loyalty programs are most frequently associated with consumer-facing rewards schemes, but earning customer loyalty is very important for B2B companies too. After all, loyal and satisfied B2B customers provide testimonials, case studies, and referrals that result in a fuller and more qualified pipeline of new business. It can be easy for B2B marketers to dismiss consumer loyalty models as inapplicable to their complex business relationships, but there’s a lot more to consumer loyalty than points and discounts.

In my latest report, “B2B Loyalty, The B2C Way,” I explore how B2B companies can use consumer loyalty principles to deepen their business relationships. Looking past rewards, they specifically stand to benefit from three core tents of loyalty embraced by successful B2C loyalty marketers”.

B2B Marketers: Borrow From B2C Loyalty Tactics To Deepen Business Relationships

The Forrester Blog

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