Chow says, “I can’t count the number of times I’ve built solid back links by simply asking to be put on a resource page. Many bloggers such as myself offer readers other useful content toward the bottom of their content. Having such a structure helps readers find more information on the topic and these resources provide a different twist on my content. Remember when I told you in your niche, you’re going to have competition and it’s going to come in the form of exceptional content? Well, not only are these resources perfect to add to your content, but are also amazing opportunities to build authority links. Here’s the trick,

You need to be able to find authority pages that link out to useful resources. There is NO point in asking to be added to a page if it won’t be of benefit to you. The definition of benefit in reference to link-building can be defined as being added to a page with”.

25 Best Traffic Building Tips Ever – Part #12: Just Simply Ask!

John Chow’s Blog

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