‘Engagement Secret Sauce: Learn From Social Networks to Attract and Keep Audiences for Yourself’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Jordan Kretchmer says, “Social networks have become an uphill battle for marketers. They’re literally addictive to consumers, who now spend 40+ minutes on social media every day.
But for marketers, who now face a sea of competing content and little to no unpaid reach, social networks are simply no longer the most effective way to reach those consumers.
So a growing number of marketers are beginning to rethink social networks, and many are driving traffic to their own websites and mobile apps instead.
Bringing your audience home has huge advantages. Consumers who want to stay in touch with your brand are nearly three times more likely to visit your website than to engage with you on Facebook. And the more time a consumer spends on your properties—whether shopping, discovering, or researching products—translates into a longer, stronger relationship between that consumer and your brand, according to a study from Kantar Media“.
Engagement Secret Sauce: Learn From Social Networks to Attract and Keep Audiences for Yourself
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