Daniel Faggella says, “If you run an online business, odds are you utilize broadcast emails as a marketing tool. And, while just shooting out a one-size-fits-all email can be an effective weapon in your marketing arsenal (occasionally), it’s important that you also aim properly and use the right ammo to hit your target audience.

The simplest ways to get more engagement (opens and clicks) from your message is to segment your email list into different groups and tailor the emails you send specifically to those groups. Relevance wins.

Segmentation 101: Buyers Vs. Prospects

Although there are countless segmentation strategies that a business might adopt, most everyone can make the distinction on their email list between “buyers” and “prospects.” Though the distinction may seem arbitrary, it isn’t — and you can tailor your message to address these different groups and yield a higher ROI on your emails than you could if you just sent out one blanket message“.

Squeeze More Opens And Clicks From Your Broadcast Emails

Marketing Land

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