Shannon Evans says, “Anyone who has been in the search game for a while has been warned repeatedly that it’s the Year of Mobile.

Time and time again, we hear how mobile is more important, and some could argue our phones are beyond “smart” at this point. However, search marketers have officially reached “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” territory.

What has really been happening over the past few years is a slow and steady movement to this elusive year of mobile. According to Pew Research, “64 percent of American adults now own a smartphone of some kind, up from 35 percent in the spring of 2011.”

Digging a little deeper into the research, Pew discovered 10 percent of Americans who own a smartphone have no other form of high-speed Internet access at home beyond their phone’s data plan“.

It’s the Year of Mobile (Again), But This Time It’s for Real

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