Michael Brumitt says, “No matter the format, message, or style of online content, everyone’s striving to reach the largest possible audience. Making that a reality depends on creating something that answers an audience’s most pertinent questions, is presented in an engaging way, and maybe even offers some new ideas no one’s hit on before.

As content marketers aim for these goals, one ingredient can distinguish popular content from something that barely gets noticed: the input of a subject matter expert (SME). Partnering with an SME can strengthen content’s credibility and value, yet knowing how to connect with such an expert requires skills that aren’t inherently part of a marketer’s usual wheelhouse.

Locating the right people, getting prepared for an interview, and drawing vital information from them depends on accessing your inner journalist and sharpening up your outreach and interviewing skills“.

The Key to Growing Your Audience: Partner With Subject Matter Experts


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