Jami Oetting says, “With more than 302 million active monthly users and 500 million updates sent per day, Twitter continues to be a rich marketing avenue for brands.

But even though the platform is more than nine years old, most of its advertising products are still young. The company only started to make a push and introduced new and innovative solutions in the past two years. While most of Twitter’s products used to be about brand awareness, now it offers more action-oriented, ROI-focused products. And in June, Twitter announced it was testing product and place pages and collections of products to make it easier to buy using the social network.

But where do you start if you are still a beginner to advertising on Twitter? And how do you know which type of ad product is the right fit for your client’s campaign?

We’ve put together this primer on how to set up the different types of widely available Twitter ads“.

The Field Guide to Twitter Advertising: How to Create & Launch Campaigns


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