Baer says, “A recent survey by Forrester Research found that 74% of business buyers conduct more than half of their research online before making an offline purchase. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to B2B marketers, who have been struggling to reach an increasingly independent audience for years. In fact, this change in buyer behavior has been a catalyst for the shift to a customer-centric selling model.

Today’s buyers control their journey through the buying cycle much more than today’s vendors control the selling cycle … Marketing now owns a much bigger piece of the lead-to-revenue cycle, and B2B marketers must take responsibility for engaging with the customer through more of the buying journey,” commented Lori Wizdo, VP, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research in a recent blog post. (highlight to tweet)

Marketing content is an important piece of this puzzle. Marketers must cater to their buyers’ preferences by producing readily-available, cross-channel content that buyers can access on their terms to aid in the decision-making process”.

An Expert’s Guide to Marketing Throughout the Sales Cycle

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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