Brian Pittman says, “Google’s Panda 4.2 algorithm rollout, which began over the weekend, continues Google’s commitment to rewarding high-quality, user-focused content with higher rankings.

Here are three easy tips for optimizing your PR content for better results:

1. Go long.

Many PR pros got used to writing short content because press release services provided a surcharge if copy ran over 400 words. Google now scans short content and assumes it doesn’t contain much useful information. The result is that shorter content doesn’t rank as well.

It’s now better to “go long,” says SEO-PR Chief Executive Greg Jarboe, citing a favorite football phrase. “Go ahead and write 600 to 800 words—whether for a press release, blog post or“.

3 SEO Tips to Help Your PR Content Rank Highly With Google’s Latest Update

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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