Baer says, “Anyone who thinks they will become successful on their own may as well pack it up now. There are reasons that we should be collaborating with other like-minded people in our industry—namely, because it helps you both.

There used to be a song when I was little that went, “If we all pull together, how happy we’ll be.” But I wasn’t always of that mindset. I was in it for me and me alone.

One Marketer’s Journey

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a punk who had just come out of the coal mines into the blogging industry because of an injury.

He was a lone wolf. He worked like this for years underground. He was an electrician in the mines, and these guys usually work alone. When he broke into the blogging industry, he thought he could do the same thing”.

Why Marketers Must Collaborate to Succeed

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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