Andy Paul says, “Let’s face the hard truth: In sales, you are standing all by yourself on a lonely island. At the end of the day, achieving your quota is totally up to you. You have to decide how you are going to allocate your time to the various avenues available to you to achieve this. If you are provided leads but complain that you don’t have enough prospects, then you need to reexamine your follow-up process.

Here are four essential strategies that any salesperson can easily employ to be the first with the answers, stand out from the competition, and maximize the conversion of inbound sales leads into orders.

1) Follow-up on 100% of inbound sales leads.

In my book Zero-Time Selling, I described how every sales lead is like a scratch-off lottery ticket. You don’t know what you have until you scratch the wax off the face of it. How many people buy a lottery ticket and then wait until the next day to see if they have a winner? None. Your sales leads should be treated the same way.

You Have an Inbound Lead. Now What?


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