Lauren Smith says, “Recently, an email about a new public market opening in my neighborhood caused me to go on a forward-frenzy. (You’re welcome, Boston Public Market.) I was so excited that I shared it with every single family member, friend, or co-worker who lived in that area. While no purchases were directly made from that email, Boston Public Market’s reach was greatly increased — all because it sent an interesting, relevant email to me.

When most people think about a successful email, they just think about deliverability, opens, and clicks. But a truly engaging email should do more than that — it should compel subscribers to share the message with others. This not only helps increase your reach, but it also can lead to an increase in conversions, all while delighting your subscribers. Win-win-win, right?

So how do you get people to forward your emails? What types of messaging and content gets shared the most? Does including certain email tactics lead to an increase in shares?.

Want People to Forward Your Emails? Try These 4 Data-Backed Tips


Sharing is caring