Joshua Conran says, “Blasting out client surveys might seem like a cost-effective approach to discovering what makes your audience tick and whether your company is a good fit for that audience. But relying on surveys alone to piece together the ideal client can distract you from the bigger picture.

You need to constantly reexamine your clients and your brand to perfectly communicate your company’s unique selling proposition and ensure it appeals to your target audience. If not, you could be muddling your value or—worse—speaking to the entirely wrong audience.

As a B2B marketer, you have a 5-20% chance of selling to new prospects, a study by Marketing Metrics has found. Are you doing everything possible to understand and reach them?

Why Brand and Client Research Rely on Each Other

To effectively communicate your value-add, you need to constantly revisit your brand. By digging into every aspect of it—stakeholder interests, current and potential client discovery, competitive analysis, and the big idea—you can discern what separates your company from the rest“.

Your Marketing Strategy Hinges on Both Brand and Client Research: Here’s the Why–and the How


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