Razwana Wahid says, “You pour weeks—months—of your life developing a solution that’s perfect for your buyers, release it to the world, and eagerly await sales to start pouring in.

Only to discover that they don’t.

And you blame the app you’ve developed: What’s wrong with it? Should I add more features? Did I use the wrong colors?

Legitimate questions. But, often, it’s not the app itself that’s the problem.

Which is why your app description in the store has to tell the user not only what the app does but also how it’ll change their life—by answering the questions they’re asking themselves when they shop. And that’s where most app descriptions fail.

So, this article will talk about exactly the questions your product description needs to answer to sell your app—and sell it big“.

Are You Losing Sales Because of Boring Copy? A Widely Applicable Example of Apps


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