Damon Waldron says, “Is your company spending thousands of dollars on demand generation? Are you continuing to spend handsomely without seeing the ROI you expected?

Are Sales and Marketing at each other’s throat, pointing fingers and blaming one another for the breakdown that they can’t quite identify somewhere between demand gen and sales? It’s a harsh reality, but apparently a very common problem: Roughly 90% of companies say their sales and marketing teams are not aligned. Of those, nearly 40% say that disconnect prevents them from effectively closing deals.

In fact, Sales and Marketing misalignment not only saps marketing ROI but also slows pipeline growth, drags down conversion rates, and contributes to slow growth—or even loss—in revenue.

The good news: with only 10% of organizations aligned, there’s plenty of room for improvement so you can gain on your competition“.

Six Simple Steps for Aligning Sales and Marketing to Boost Conversions and Fill Your Pipeline


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