Entrepreneur team says, “Now that brands have the ability to communicate directly with their consumers, PR agencies don’t have to rely solely on media pitching to help create brand awareness. Instead, agencies are shifting their focus on creating original content based on facts and research that drives traffic back to their client’s websites while attracting genuine interest from journalists.

Fulfilling the demand for information and entertainment can be a challenge for smaller companies with limited manpower and financial resources, but working within these limits is not impossible. For media outlets, churning out content as quickly and resourcefully as possible has always been the name of the game.

The advantage that content marketers have over publishers is the ability to experiment with different formats to keep readers engaged. Here are three types of content that journalists rely on that don’t cost much to produce but are still high in entertainment and engagement value”.

3 Inexpensive Ways to Build Up Your Website Content

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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