Art Sobczak says, “In my training programs with clients and sales reps we invest a lot of time ensuring that our messaging is laser-focused on the recipient and their world. That is the only way to carve through the ever-growing glut of noise we are bombarded with by the minute.

And that’s probably why I am more sensitive to the lousy messages I receive via email, voicemail, snail mail, and live when I pick up the phone. Not only are many just flat-out bad and lacking of any shred of possible value, some are actually insulting.

It’s bad enough to send an off-target message with nothing of value that’s compounded with false assumptions and statements. But sometimes you can really piss off the receiver.

Just yesterday I received an email with the subject line “Letting down your fans is one of the worst feelings in the world.”

First, let me explain that I use a spam filtering tool, which means that for an unsolicited prospecting email to get to my inbox“.

If You’re Using These 3 Sales Phrases, You’re Insulting Your Prospects


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