Mark Roberg says, “Did you know that Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” was actually just an allegory for the changing nature of the European sales model in the early 19th century?

While that might just be an urban legend, sales is once again undergoing a universal and fundamental change in order to meet the demands of a more informed and increasingly digital world of prospects.

The convergence of marketing and sales, combined with the wealth of data that modern technology has made available to prospects, has led to the emergence of new ideas like “social selling” and “smarketing.” The sales rep is no longer in charge; in fact, it’s quite the opposite, as prospects now hold the power. This change in the buyer-seller power structure demands a corresponding change in the way sales reps interact with prospects. It’s no longer about selling, it’s about helping“.

Ready for the Future of Sales? 9 Experts Predict What to Expect


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