Outernet: Internet Connected Outdoor Advertising
A Dutch company Opalio, makes a presentation on Outernet, Internet-connected banner poles fitted with flags used for outdoor advertisement that can be updated electronically.
The Dutch start up Opalio is working on Outernet. The term outernet refers to the use of internet for outdoor advertising using Internet-connected banner poles fitted with flags displaying changing digital graphics.
The Founder of Opalio, Rik Wagter, showed a video of what he called “reflags”. By this he referred to Internet-connected banner poles fitted with flags made of flexible electrophoretic material that displayed changing digital graphics delivered via IP. He made this presentation during a technology forum organized by Silicom Ventures at the Museum of Computer History and sponsored by the Netherlands Office for Science and Technology.
Electrophoretics function as a kind of digital paper that could be updated electronically with the latest news or pricing information.
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