Internet Scams Increase
According National Consumers League’s mid-year fraud statistics reveal alarming trends in telemarketing and Internet Scams.
According to a National Fraud Information Center’s Internet Fraud Watch report during the first six months of 2005 consumer losses to telemarketing and Internet scams more than doubled from the average losses reported last year.
According to a statistics released by the National Consumers League (NCL), consumer reports to NCL’s National Fraud Information Center / Internet Fraud Watch program indicated that the average loss rose from $895 in 2004 to $2,579 in the first six months, January to June, of this year.
According to the program’s director, NCL’s Susan Grant, “Unfortunately, more consumers are falling for classic scams such as the Nigerian money offers and losing thousands of dollars. It’s important for consumers to know that it’s in their power to avoid becoming fraud statistics. Use caution and common sense, and educate yourself about these scams.”
For more information about the top ten scams and tips to help you avoid common telemarketing and Internet frauds, click here.
To read the full report click here.
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