Google Pay Per Click and Pay Per Call
An industry observer sees a link between Google’s new developments like Google Talk and interest in offline ads to conclude Google is on the way to pay per call ads where advertisers pay when customers call their number.
An industry observer’s blog, Om Malik’s Broadband Blog, sees a link between the new interests and the new developments of Google and thinks that Google is soon to introduce pay per call ads.
Om Malik’s earlier report in Business 2.0 referred to Google buying, unused, fiber-optic cable across the country from wholesalers such as New York’s AboveNet. He also said that Google was acquiring superfast connections from Cogent Communications and WilTel, among others, between East Coast cities including Atlanta, Miami, and New York.
He links this with the latest developments like Google Talk and Google Print Ads and thinks that all these are ground work for pay per call ads where the advertisers pay if a customer calls their number.
Ingenio and InsiderPages already have a similar service.
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