Autonomy Search Signs A Joint Venture In China
Autonomy, a small British software group, has signed a joint venture with China Netcom Broadband (CNCBB), to provide a searchable database of 25 local and national TV companies over the internet.
Autonomy, a small British software group, has signed a joint venture with China Netcom Broadband (CNCBB), one of China’s biggest internet companies to create a service allowing Chinese consumers to search for news and video clips from 25 local and national TV companies over the internet.
Unlike Google and Yahoo which rely on keyword search, Autonomy uses voice recognition software, which automatically catalogs every spoken word in footage. This technology is useful for avoiding problems of searching ideogram-based text.
Autonomy announced this joint venture last month and according to Times Online, July 18 report, ‘the project will be marketed under the blinkx brand, best known for offering online video search services, and which licenses much of its technology from Autonomy.’
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