Quadruple Bundle: TV, Internet, Landline, Wireless
A Telephia Survey indicates that one in five Hightech Households prefer to subscribe to bundled services of TV, Internet, Landline and Wireless Phone Services from a single provider.
Telephia, the leading provider of performance measurement information to the mobile industry, conducted a survey and the findings show that customer convenience is a key driver for households subscribing to bundled home communication services from a single service provider. Bundled services can include a combination of TV, Internet, landline and wireless phone subscriptions in a single package.
According to the Telephia Emerging Personal Communications Options (EPCO) survey, 71% respondents thought that having one bill for all their services was an important benefit of bundled services. More than
half (54 %) preferred it for the discounts offered and 40% noted that a single point of contact for customer care was another advantage.
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