Yell Group Plc, the British phone-book publisher, provider of mobile search services, benefitted in the stock market from the rumour that Google is interested in purchasing it.

There was a rumour that Google might be interested in purchasing Yell Group offering local mobile search services in the U.K. This benefitted the company in the stock market and Yell Group Plc, rose 6.75 pence, or 1.5 percent, to 461.5 pence. Early Monday that figure rose to 464.75 pence.

A Dow Jones report on the rumors over Google purchasing UK-Based Yell Group sees the potential bid as “plausible.” The report quotes Numis Securities on that assessment: “Google is a company with a market capitalization bigger than General Motors and they may well want to use some of that firepower to diversify into new areas. A natural one would be directories.”

News and Star says the two firms already have a relationship.

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