Vinton Cerf who is known as the ‘father of the internet’ has joined Google as ‘Chief Internetevangelist’ and says in his press release that Google will go beyond the earth.

Reuters Sanfrancisco reports that Google has hired Vinton Cerf to become the company’s ‘Chief Evangelist’.

Cerf, 62, whose official title will be ‘Chief Internetevangelist’, is charged with exploring new Internet applications for the Web search company. He was working for telecommunications company MCI Inc. and MCI is in the process of merging into Verizon Communications Inc..

Cerf is also chairman of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). He said that he hoped to retain the role in ICANN and avoid any conflict of interest. Google serves as a registrar of Internet domain names and technically has business interests governed by ICANN.

Cerf is widely known as the “father of the Internet” for his role in developing the TCP/IP standards that structure the Internet. He also works with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab on a truly out-of-this-world project. It is expected that the Interplanetary Network would extend the Internet to the solar system for planet-to-planet communications.

Mr. Cerf’s comments from the press release:

“Google has already made tremendous strides in making access to information on the web a reality for users across the globe, but we’re still in the Internet’s early innings. This medium will enjoy wider-spread use than television, radio or phones, and will ultimately expand beyond planet Earth. Google has always believed in doing things differently, and I believe that places us in a unique position to help bring even the wildest Internet visions into reality.”

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