The Voice Over Internet Protocol Security Alliance (VOIPSA) collaborates with phone service providers over the internet as well as information security vendors, providers, and thought leaders to work out security measures against spam attack.

The Voice over IP Security Alliance (VOIPSA) aims to fill the void of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) security related resources through a unique collaboration of VoIP and Information Security vendors, providers, and thought leaders.

Andrew Graydon, chairman of VOIPSA’s security requirements committee says, “As soon as we hit [full VoIP] implementation in North America and Europe the spammers can just change the script by two or three lines and we are going to get a deluge of voice spam, and it will be more annoying than e-mail because you have to listen to it”.

According to Matt Stein, vice president, new technologies and services at Primus, encrypting VoIP communications would be the next level of security for VoIP. An industry standard called secure real-time protocol (RTP) would provide for the encryption of voice traffic over IP.

Stein said, “The security of VoIP has not been a big concern of our customers. We take action against those things as we always have, because we are also an ISP”. According to him, since the technology is used exclusively within the enterprise 99% of the time, standard network security tools such as firewall, intrusion detection and encryption have been sufficient to protect VoIP communication.

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