Google & MSN: Search Index Count
Danny Sulllivan has a new method to count the number of pages indexed by Google and MSN for a specific search.
Danny Sulllivan has found a new way of counting the number of pages Google and MSN have indexed. Accordig to him his method does not work for Yahoo and Ask Jeeves.
He thinks up a nonsense word ‘djfdkjkfjkdjdfk’and gets the message “Your search – djfdkjkfjkdjdfk – did not match any documents.” This shows that there are no documents in the Google index with this term. [Now after this news is out, this search item gets at least 6 indexes]
He says, “Now I do a search for -djfdkjkfjkdjdfk. That means, “Show me all the pages you have that don’t have this word on them.” Since we know that NO pages have that word, asking for all pages without it should show us everything.”
His results show that there are 9,560,000,000 pages in Google. This he says shows that Google has “1.5 billion pages in its index more than it currently claims”.
In MSN he got 5,304,186,736, pages “which is right in line with the self-reported figure of 5 billion MSN gave last year”.
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